Ordinary People Do Extraordinary


You are more "beautiful" than you think...?


今日は昨日のエントリで書いた"Reading Ads Socially"が課題本だった授業があったので、早速忘れないうちに思ったことを書こうと思います。



Dove Real Beauty Sketches - YouTube




すばらしい!シェアありがとう!(”How awesome is this! Thanks for sharing. (HAWXTER12)”)

おどろき。。。("Amazing ... (Atousa Mozafarian)"




Johnson & Tyler (2008)は、初期のDoveのキャンペーンを取り上げ、以下のように論じました。


The Dove campaign, while it contests narrow beauty codes, works within a hegemonic ideology of gendered beauty by refusing to challenge the idea that beauty is an essential part of a woman’s identity, personhood, and social success and by legitimizing the notion that every woman should feel beautiful. (Johnson & Tyler, 2008)



Even though the social understanding of beauty is contested, the importance of beauty as a paramount value for women is reproduced and legitimized by the campaign’s explicit and unceasing focus on beauty. Women’s acceptance of their bodies as beautiful is demanded, rather than recognized as an inherently complex, fraught, and contradictory endeavor—particularly in the context of the mass media, the beauty industry, the weight‐loss industry, and the industrial food complex—or in relation to what women accomplish apart from looking pretty. Furthermore, the command to feel beautiful irrespective of one’s physical attributes assumes a mind/body separation, thus reproducing a “paradigm of plasticity” that disdains material limitations and suggests the mind has complete freedom to manipulate the physical body (Bordo 1993, 246). (Johnson & Tyler, 2008)

 *Johnson & Tylerの論文・”Feminist Consumerism and Fat Activists: A Comparative Study of Grassroots Activism and the Dove Real Beauty Campaign”は、ここから読めます。




勇気がある、強い、頭が良い? それじゃ足りない。あなたは美しくないといけない。その上、「美しい」ってことは、特定のこと、つまり身体的な美しさのことを指す。どんな映画もテレビ番組もコマーシャルも、本質的にはこのメッセージを繰り返しているでしょ? 女性が他に長所がもっていようが関係ない。もしその人がみんなから魅力的だと思われなかったら、なんの価値もない(ここらへんに関しては、"Miss Representation”を見てね!)。私が一番問題にしていることは、このDoveの広告は、私たちに「女性は可愛くないと、きれいでないといけない」と思わせるこういうメッセージをを、打ち破ろうとはしていないということ。

Because the message that we constantly receive is that girls are not valuable without beauty. 

Brave, strong, smart? Not enough. You have to be beautiful. And “beautiful” means something very specific, and very physical. Essentially every movie and tv show and commercial shows us that, right? It doesn’t matter what other merits a woman posses, if she is not conventionally attractive, she is essentially worthless (go watch Miss Representation for more thoughts on this). And my primary problem with this Dove ad is that it’s not really challenging the message like it makes us feel like it is.

"Miss Representation"っていうのはこのドキュメンタリー映画みたいですね。面白そうなので要チェック。"Misrepresentation"(不当表示)にかけてますね。

Miss Representation - YouTube






Dove is owned by Unilever, which also own AXE, which is widely known for having some of the most blatantly sexist and objectifying commercials out there.








女性の皆さん、聞きましたか? あなたがどれたけ美しいかが、全てを左右するんですってー交友関係からキャリアまで。あなたが幸せになる上で、美しさ以上に重要なことはないんですって。女性たちが自分自身に対してどういうふうに感じているかを議論しているように見せかけている一方で、「それ」っていうのは明らかに「美しさ」に編集されている。私たちはもう何千回もこのことを聞かされているのはわかっているけど、女の子たち、聞いてね。あなたの身体的な、表面的な美しさが、あなたの最も重要なパーツであり、あなたの人生を左右する最も重要なファクターなんですって。聞いてほしい。こんなの嘘だよ。

Did you hear that, ladies? How beautiful you are affects everything—from your personal relationships to your career. It could not be more critical to your happiness! And while it could be argued that the woman was actually talking about how you feel about yourself or something, it is clearly edited to suggest that the “it” is beauty. I know we’ve been told it thousands upon thousands of times before, but I hope you heard that, girls: your physical, superficial beauty is the most significant part of who you are, and the most important determining factor in your life. And now I want you to hear this: that is a lie. 



What you look like should not affect the choices that you make. It should certainly not affect the friends you make—the friends that wouldn’t want to be in relationship with you if you did not meet a certain physical standard are not the friends that you want to have. Go out for jobs that you want, that you’re passionate about. Don’t let how good looking you feel like you are affect the way way that you treat your children. And certainly do not make how well you feel you align with the strict and narrow “standard” that the beauty industry and media push be critical to your happiness, because you will always be miserable. You will always feel like you fall short, because those standards are designed to keep you constantly pressured into buying things like make up and diet food and moisturizer to reach an unattainable goal. Don’t let your happiness be dependent on something so fickle and cruel and trivial. You should feel beautiful, and Dove was right about one thing: you are more beautiful than you know. But please, please hear me: you are so, so much more than beautiful. 

